Ek Love Ya OTT Release Date and Time: Will Ek Love Ya Movie Release on OTT Platform?

The Ek Love Ya is the maximum thrilling film of today, the fanatics and the fans of Raana are greater anxiously awaiting the Ek Love Ya to be launched earlier. Are you eagerly ready to recognize the Ek Love Ya launch Date and Time? Keep analyzing this text to recognize When is a Ek Love Ya Coming out.

Ek Love Ya Overview

Name of the Movie Ek Love Ya
Language Sandalwood
Director Prem
Staring Raana and Reeshma
Cast Raana ,Reeshma , Charan Raj ,Shashi Kumar ,Cockroach Sudhi ,Rakshita Prem
Theatre Release Date 24 February 2022
Ek Love Ya OTT Release Date Not Known
Film Industry Sandalwood

Ek Love Ya OTT Release Date and Time

As all of us recognize that the Ek Love Ya could be coming soon, the Fans are nonetheless confused to recognize At What Time the Ek Love Ya could be launched. Stay related on our web page to get the modern day updates. Fans who’re looking on which platform will the Ek Love Ya be launched, need to watch for a few time, because the platform is formally now no longer announced.

Watch Ek Love Ya Movie Trailer

Is the Movie Ek Love Ya Coming Out on OTT Platform?

Most of the human beings in modern day state of affairs are greater excited to look at the Ek Love Ya Online as they may be an awful lot greater drawn to the Trailer of the Ek Love Ya. In this mundane state of affairs human beings love to look at the film with a distinct plot and phenomena movement sequence. Thus the Ek Love Ya is greater exciting and those are greater keen to recognize the Release Date of the Ek Love Ya. The Ek Love Ya become scheduled to be launched soon. Fans and the fans are greater excited to look at the Ek Love Ya Online, however the OTT platform on which the film could be launched is unclear.

Ek Love Ya Cast

The information about the solid of the distinguished film is given below, Check right here the special information about the Ek Love Ya lead characters

  • Raana
  • Reeshma
  •  Charan Raj
  • Shashi Kumar
  • Cockroach Sudhi
  • Rakshita Prem